SSL Digital Certification

Those who have a website, but do not yet have the SSL service on the page, need to take advantage of this moment and make this change, as Google announced that from August onwards, websites that do not have this protocol will be classified as not secure.

For Google, this attitude is necessary, because studies show that people who use the internet do not notice the presence or absence of the icon that makes that page safe and therefore, it is necessary to mark which ones are and which are not in order to to bring guarantee to the user.

As time passes, the plan is to label pages in a much clearer and more precise way, always following certain criteria.

SSL certification will help improve the positioning of pages in search engines
This classification may sound strange, but those that are confident will stand out, as Google will give preference to them and this will bring changes to the positioning of each of them on the web.

To make life easier for Internet users, the company’s way of certifying that the page is safe will be through a green mark that will appear in the address bar.

This change not only came to provide more security to the process that takes place between devices and servers, but it also brings greater loading speed, through the HTTP/2 protocol.

It is not new that Google promises to adopt this policy, since 2014, the company wants to reward better, through a good placement in search rankings, companies that have secure websites and those that do not modify the page will receive penalties .

Will my website be affected?

You who are reading this text may be wondering: will this affect my page?

If, perhaps, your website has some space for the customer to fill out contact forms, access reserved areas or search fields and if the option was to hide the http:// in the browser’s address bar, this means yes , your page will be affected.

To avoid complications, you must opt ​​for the SSL certificate to avoid being classified as unsecure.

Another common question is: what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. Every address, regardless of the website, starts with https or http. When internet users browse a website that uses the HTTPS protocol, they are safe, as we can say that it is almost impossible for someone to be able to intercept the data that is exchanged between the device and the server.

Why apply this change?

This change is necessary because sites that do not have encryption can be circumvented and visitors will have greater security when making purchases.

Not to mention that Google works to keep your connections safe and has acted to favor, through its search engines, pages that have this security protocol. To find out if the website is secure, simply install the SSL certificate, as it is responsible for activating the HTTPS protocol on your page and the result will be the green padlock in the address bar.

What are the advantages?

Security. Trust. Positioning. These are the advantages of a website that changes its protocol. A website that has this protocol is protected from hackers, as it is the SSL that blocks attacks made by them.

Confidence, because your customer will buy from your page without any type of concern and positioning, as sites that present this new feature will be better ranked when searching.

At first, your page may even lose the positioning it had obtained. This will happen, as Google will crawl the page again to assimilate the new URLs, but don’t worry, as this loss is only temporary!

Its Benefits and Main Functions

• Safe, efficient and user-friendly tool
• Available 24 hours a day
• Accessible from anywhere
• Intuitive use
• Does not need to be installed on your computer
• Compatible with the best browsers on the market
• Uses LAMP technology (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP)
• Fully customizable
• Flexible (easily adaptable to new demands)
• Complete autonomy over content
• Agile, easy and fast content management
• No programming knowledge required
• You can manage your website yourself
• Cost reduction
• Economical and affordable price
• Technical support available during business hours