Driven by your objectives, we provide tailor-made solutions with transparency, punctuality and safety in mind.
Offering our services to you in English, Spanish or Portuguese is of paramount importance for us because only then can we understand and develop a fitting strategy in keeping with the ever-changing demands of the market.
You will have total control over the content of your online store through a completely intuitive and very easy-to-use multi-language Administrative System
An efficient e-Learning platform must offer a clean and organized layout, in addition to all the necessary resources so that communication between tutors and students is established in the best possible way.
Our Customer Manager was created to automate and centralize all customer contact functions, aiming to help companies create and maintain a good relationship with their customers by storing and interrelating in an easy, agile and intelligent way.
Our CMS allows the company to have complete autonomy over the content and evolution of its presence on the Internet, eliminating the need for assistance from third parties or specialized companies for routine maintenance.
We analyze the marketplace from the point of view of the entrepreneur who wants to create an e-commerce platform of this model, and cover everything he needs to know before operating it.
Our online chat system is a tool that allows a website administrator to offer online support to visitors to their page.
Our Newsletter System was specifically built to help automate the sending of email marketing campaigns, giving your team or company the desired return on their endeavors.
Those who have a website, but do not yet have the SSL service on the page, need to take advantage of this moment and make this modification.
Global Web Solutions has developed an extraordinary property management system completely focused on this important sector. We use the best technologies available on the market to provide a high-level solution to our customers.
Alameda Itaporanga, 410
Sorocaba | SP
Brasil : +55 (11) 95373-3780
USA : +1 (863) 651-4500
A Sorocaba Web Design – Global Group conta com os mais experientes profissionais do mercado. Temos mais de 1000 projetos realizados ao longo de 24 anos de muito trabalho!
Entre em contato conosco e surpreeenda-se com nosso atendimento personalizado. Nosso atendimento é em Português, Inglês e Espanhol.
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